Wounds come in many forms – burns, cuts, lacerations, bruises, broken bones. Pure Silver Concentrate Concentrate has been documented to help improve wound healing. In a study done at the University of Utah, pigs healed substantially faster and had less bacteria, viruses, and mold when treated with liquid silver.
Pure Silver Concentrate can be applied topically to any wound 4 or more times daily. By keeping the wound moist, it will improve more quickly and with less scarring. Taking 1-2 droppers of ShopFreeMart Pure Silver Concentrate 3x daily will help improve wounds in the nose, ears, eyes, nose, throat, or any part of the body.
ShopFreeMart Pure Copper Concentrate is also noted for helping repair wounds.
ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops and ShopFreeMart Gold can help reduce scarring and in some cases remove old scar tissue.
ShopFreeMart Immunize has many powerful building blocks of nutrition that may improve the body’s ability to heal wounds.
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