As stated before, this is not medical advice. This information is for educational purposes only and does not convey or warranty, either expressly or implied, any outcomes, promises, or benefits from using this information.
7) MAGNESIUM (liquid)
10) DIET
1. SALT – Natural Salt
Standard table salt is heated to high temperatures in processing, the trace minerals are stripped off and Aluminum is added to keep it from clumping, all of which make this overused substance unfit for human consumption. Processed foods containing this type of salt should be avoided and natural salt should be substituted in its place.
There are three salts that I recommend: Celtic sea salt, Himalayan salt and Real Salt that comes from Redmond Utah. These salts are readily available in most health food stores.
There are cultures that drink 1-2 tsp. of salt in a warm glass of water every morning. They are healthier than those who do not. Salt is Sodium Chloride and Sodium is the water regulating mineral of the body. Anyone who has too much or too little water in the body is most likely deficient in salt.
In fact when people go to the emergency room, they are frequently given an IV, which is nothing more than purified water and salt. More often than not, people recover rather quickly after being rehydrated in this manner.
I once read a story of a man who after having had numerous health challenges and several operations, checked himself into a hospital and paid to be put on an IV until he died. After his death, they performed an autopsy and found that all of his organs had healed completely. The indication was that he could have lived a normal life if he had eaten food as well.
My observation is that the IV is the only cure that modern doctors have in their bag of tricks and if you were to get sick you would likely be better off getting an IV than taking drugs, radiation, chemotherapy, etc.
The problem is, that after giving you an IV most doctors then send you home and recommend a no-salt or low-salt diet, so that you will end up getting dehydrated again and need to come in for another fix of salt water.
Constipation is a result of a dehydrated bowel. When drinking 1-2 tsp. of salt in warm or room temperature water, it has the same specific gravity as blood and therefore is shunted to the bowel instead of the kidneys. This cleanses and hydrates the bowel and is a marvelous addition to a good health protocol. Anyone experiencing difficult stools or any kind of bowel inflammation can benefit from drinking salt water in this manner. If you do not experience an immediate improvement in bowel activity, increase the amount of salt you are taking for a few days until you do.
Note: Many people are severely dehydrated and therefore their bodies are holding onto water. After starting to ingest salt in this manner, some people will balloon up with water as a result and therefore they should take only 1/4 tsp. or less daily in the beginning until their bodies begin to adjust to having salt and extra water in their diets.
ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops should also be consumed for hydration purposes. It will hydrate the human system faster than any other substance I have found or used. After a period of time, the bowel should also become more hydrated, making bowel movements easier and more regular.
The mineral gold is useful for turning on the functions of the organs of elimination in the body. When taking ShopFreeMart Pure Gold in the manner recommended for a ten day cleanse, the cells will have a heightened ability to open up and release toxins throughout the body.
Remember that getting rid of toxins is the primary goal when addressing any symptom or disease. Everything seems to work better and last longer when it is clean. Have you ever notice that even your car runs better after an oil change?
I recommend adding one-half bottle of ShopFreeMart Pure Gold to a gallon glass jar, together with 6 drops of ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops Concentrate and then finish filling the gallon jar with distilled water. (When using Gold in this manner, it must be mixed with distilled water and nothing else.)
First thing in the morning, drink 8 – 12 oz of the Gold water mixture on an empty stomach. If you must brush your teeth first, do not use toothpaste. Use either ShopFreeMart Shave and Shower gel or just brush with water.
Wait for one half hour before eating or drinking anything.
After finishing the ten day cleanse, return to putting a dropper full of Pure Gold under you tongue 3-7 times per week as Gold also feeds the brain and is believed to repair the codons in your DNA which are constantly under attack by Free Radicals in your body.
Almost all disease is going to be accompanied by a condition where there are disease causing micro-organizms or parasites that are hosting on the toxicity in your body. It is like vultures that flock around dead and dying animals.
It has now been discovered that people suffering from Alzheimers have nematodes in their brains. Nematodes are also found in Lyme’s patients and perhaps in MS patients.
Candida is also a problem in most people and that is due in great part to the fact that the consumption of sugars of all kinds has gone through the roof. Candida thrives wherever there is sugar and we know now that cancer is nothing more than overgrown candida colonies.
ShopFreeMart Pure Silver Concentrate Concentrate taken in therapeutic doses may be the answer to killing some of these critters that are causing so much havoc in our society today.
There was a young girl for example that had warts all over her body. Her doctor would burn off the ones around her mouth just so she could eat. She started taking a therapeutic dose of ShopFreeMart Silver and in 6 weeks time, every wart had fallen off from her head to her toes.
Silver by itself will conquer many problems, especially where there is any kind of inflammation involved, because where there is inflammation, there are also colonies of bacteria, viruses or yeast.
I have seen so many conditions benefit from taking Silver that I recommend giving it a try. It could be an important part of your health protocol.
Fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice kills cancer faster than chemotherapy without any side effects and since all diseases have essentially the same root, adding some lemon or lime to the diet could be helpful. This is an effective and proven method of cleansing which can facilitate healing throughout the entire body.
Several times throughout the day I drink 20 oz. of water with the juice of 2 freshly squeezed small limes or 1/2 to 1 lemon and 1/4 tsp. of Real Salt. I do this as often as I feel hungry or I need more energy.
Note: DO NOT use regular table salt and if you are severely dehydrated (which many people are) you may need to use smaller amounts of salt in the beginning as your body is in the mode of retaining water and will take some time to regulate itself to having the right kind of salt and plenty of water.
Thousands of people regularly use lemon water as a way to cleanse the body and it can safely be done for 7 days without eating any other food.
This can also be done for shorter durations of tme to fit your personal scheldule.
You should also get extra rest whenever going on a cleanse.
If I were only able to choose one ShopFreeMart product for strengthening the immune system and warding of disease, it would clearly be Siaga. I give this product a 5-star rating due to the large number and variety of nutrients that it provides, many of which are well-documented on pub-med sites as strengthening the body in its fight against immune deficiencies, respiratory symptoms, elevated blood pressure and blood sugar and cancer.
Note: In rare cases, some people may experience detox symptoms (diarrhea, tiredness or pain). If you experience these symptoms, you may reduce the amount you are taking for a few days. Detoxification is actually a good thing and if you can live with the symptoms, it is best to get these toxins out of your body.
Drinking extra water will allow the Siaga to do its job even better and remove any toxins that may be released and flush them out of your body more effectively. From my own experience, ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops helps to hydrate the body and flush out toxins better and faster than any other water I have found and when mixed with distilled water it is even more effective at removing toxins than when mixed with spring or filtered water.
***Adequate Water Is Imperative for Absorption and Detoxification***
6. BREATHING EXERCISES – All disease is accompanied by low Oxygen levels.
Quote From Chapter on Breathing Exercises: “Here is some exciting breakthrough news regarding Cancer and all other diseases. This information will tell you how to quickly have 12 times more Oxygen going through your bloodstream and reaching every cell in your body. This was scientifically documented at a major University in Utah.
7. MAGNESIUM – Studies show that many foods today are lacking in Magnesium and therefore many people are deficient in this important mineral.
NOTE: ShopFreeMart Magnesium is perhaps the best source of Magnesium that you can buy. It can be taken orally and or applied topically.
Magnesium deficiency can include muscle cramps, muscle twitching, facial tics, poor sleep, and chronic pain. Tests showing Calcium deficiency may actually be Magnesium deficiency and one of the first recommendations upon receiving low Calcium test results is Magnesium supplementation.
Prior to finding ShopFreeMart Magnesium, my research indicated that the best way to absorb Magnesium was transdermally and that many serious health symptoms respond favorably when applying liquid Magnesium to the skin. ShopFreeMart Pure Magnesium can be used both topically by rubbing into the skin and also internally.
Oil Swishing is one of the least costly methods of getting toxins out of your body and many people have cured themselves of numbers of serious ailments with this simple home remedy alone.
This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects. The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity.
It consists of swishing cold-pressed Sunflower or Sesame oil in the mouth. The healing process is accomplished by getting rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy micro flora. In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. “They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.”
The method:
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon of cold-pressed Sunflower or Sesame oil in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move the oil “slowly” in the mouth as in rinsing or swishing and as Dr. Karach puts it, “sip, suck and pull through the teeth” for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva.
Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. The oil should not be swallowed as it has become toxic. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and turns white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth. The oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and the mouth must be washed thoroughly. Don’t brush with toothpaste. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.
If one were to see one drop of this “swishing” liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development. Therefore clean the sink properly; you can spray a little bit of ShopFreeMart Pure Silver Concentrate Concentrate to disinfect the sink because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. Anti-bacterial soap has some bad side effects and therefor I do not recommend using it.
It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one’s metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health. One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth.
The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach. See Oil Swishing
9. ShopFreeMart NVIRO Soap HOT BATHS
I was told a story about a person who had 4th stage pancreatic cancer. He was in a lot of pain so his doctor put him on morphine. He discovered that taking very hot baths with 1 oz. of a coconut-based soap added to the bath water gave him a tremendous amount of relief and for this reason he sometimes took multiple baths daily.
According to the person who told me this story, the bath water turned quite dark and had a foul odor, apparently from something that was coming out of his skin.
Supposedly his cancer went away in a few months and the only change in his lifestyle was the hot coconut soap baths.
This is purely anecdotal, but if you are suffering from any kind of pain, try taking a hot bath with a capful or two of NVIRO soap added to it and just see if you get some relief.
NVIRO soap is made from coconut; it is all natural and is a powerful enough to clean your oven and your grill, yet totally safe and gentle enough to wash your baby’s bottom.
Prior to getting into the bath, I recommend drinking a warm glass of ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops (DO NOT HEAT ANYTHING IN A MICROWAVE OVEN).
Make sure that your bath water is as hot as you can comfortably stand so that you will perspire profusely.
Do this as often as seems expedient.
Everything in the universe has its own unique vibration. The word poison comes from the same root as positive and poisons destroy the electrical balance of the neutrons that revolve around the nucleus of the atoms that make up your cells, making you sick.
You should generally eliminate all acid forming foods including sodas, sugars, artificial sweeteners, wheat, corn grains, canned fruits, fruit juices and most dairy products. Especially eliminate ALL GMO food sources. GMO foods are genetically altered and the human body CANNOT utilize such foods. Furthermore, ALL GMO foods are laden with toxic chemicals that are used in the process of growing them.
I find that when people cannot get rid of pain and are not responding favorably to the rest of this protocol, there is something they are eating or drinking that they need to let go of and it could be as simple as eating foods that are genetically modified or eating meat that came from animals that were fed GMO foods.
Fruits and vegetables should ALWAYS be fresh and vine ripened. Raw fruits and vegetables can be eaten together, but NEVER eat fruits with meat, cooked vegetables or flour products. Fruits were designed to leave the stomach within half an hour and when eaten with other foods, they will remain in the stomach for longer than half an hour and they will produce a lot of acids and gases. Canned foods are not fit for human consumption and will not give you what you need to create healthy cells.
Taking a little apple cider vinegar or some digestive enzymes with heavy foods can help improve digestion and reduce acid reflux from indigestion.
Plenty of pure water is essential to health. In addition to all other drinks that you may consume, you need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 100 lbs. you need to drink 50 ounces of water daily. However, if you are drinking ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops you won’t have to drink so much. I believe that drinking one 8 oz glass of ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops will hydrate you better than drinking a gallon the same water not treated with ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops Concentrate.
11. CHANGING THE HEART BY THINKING POSITIVE THOUGHTS! “Negativity is a killer and behind every cancer is negativity and perhaps the inability to forgive.”
11. Another thing that I use, and which I find to be very effective is to meditate or sit quietly and imagine that my body has all of the nutrition it needs for healing and rejuvenation. I then surround myself with the feeling of having this nutrition by asking myself, “How does it feel to have all of the nutrients I need for healing and rejuvenating my body?” See Faith
You can end this meditation with an affirmation by saying something like “So let it be done” or “I am so happy and thankful that I now have all of the nutrition I need to heal and rejuvenate my body.”
By using the Health Protocol – What if the Worst Thing that could Happen is Nothing?

Christine Waterbury had 4th Stage Thyroid and Lymph Node Cancers when she started on the Health Protocol. After checking into the hospital, she was infected with MRSA Virus, which by itself is often fatal. With a weakened immune system and due to the late stage of her cancers and the fact that doctors have nothing that will kill MRSA, they gave her up to die.
Her husband Richard heard about my health protocol and he began giving her Silver, while she was still in the hospital. He frequently rubbed Silver on the bottoms of her feet. Richard believes that the Silver was absorbed into her bloodstream, killing the MSRA.
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