W.H.O. Finally Comes Clean: Pandemic IS Over!

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World Health Organization (WHO) Comes Clean, Pandemic Over 

We expose the lies from the WHO and how they and congress used the crisis as a political weapon to unseat a duly elected president and push an earth-shattering agenda. Experimental genome therapy injection on an unsuspecting public. Grab a pen and notebook and enjoy the report.

King Of Vaccines Comes Clean! Aborted Babies In Vaccines…

Dr. Stanley Plotkin, MD – The world’s leading authority on vaccines details the use of aborted babies in vaccines while under oath. Leaked Video! Head U.N. Scientist Admits Vaccines Are Killing People – Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist of the WHO, admitting in a secret meeting that vaccines kill people and they do not know why. On Dec 2nd and 3rd the UN funded WHO held a Global Vaccine Safety Summit where scientists admitted that vaccines are killing people, adjuvants in the vaccines are part of the problem, they have not conducted adequate safety studies.


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