Muscular Dystrophy

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Vaccination – new Discoveries

“Vaccination” could well be much more dangerous than we have, to date, believed.

For those not familiar with Muscular Dystrophy, what happens is that, for some “unknown” reason, from about the age of six, the immune system “identifies” muscle cells as foreign matter and attacks and destroys them.

From the point of view of quantum biophysics, it is obvious that something is distorting either the informational structure of the muscle cells or the immune system itself; the former being by far the more likely of the two. The problem has been to discover what the cause is.

A colleage of mine met a german toxicologist who devoted his life to discovering the true causes of diseases and their solutions. His discussions with Dr. Haecker ranged over many subjects in which it became clear that some some sort of poisoning was the problem. Then he asked the doctor if he had any insights to offer on muscular dystrophy. Which answer surprised my colleage, but first a little digression.

The pharmaceutical “sickness” industry has developed a habit to cover up lack of progress. Where there has been no progress with a particular disease for many years the name is simply removed from the list of illnesses and “magically” a new malady with amazingly similar symptoms appears out of nowhere.

You may have noticed, for example, that manic depressives are no longer a burden to our society; their problem appears to have been eliminated by medical “science”. Simultaneously with this medical “victory”, Bi-Polar Disorder has appeared out of nowhere. When you compare the symptoms of both maladies, you instantly perceive that they are identical. All that has actually taken place is that the name has been changed. So it is with muscular dystrophy.

The first thing that Dr. Haecker told my colleage was, “It’s polio and they’ve just changed the name!”

He then continued, “All polio (and muscular dystrophy) cases since 1947 have been caused by the polio vaccine and the source of the problem is the way in which the so called vaccines are manufactured.”

This is how he explained it:

The manufacturing of “vaccines” is carried out in this manner. They take vast quantities, rack upon rack upon rack of fertilized chicken eggs and then a machine comes along, sticks a needle into each egg and squirts a sample of the virus into the unhatched chick.

This, of course, kills the chicken and they then use a preservative to prevent the natural decomposition of the chick in the egg. After a few days it is believed that the injected virus will have sufficiently multiplied itself and that the dead (or dying) chicken will have produced antibodies to the virus. At this point, all the eggs are simply mashed up together and the liquid content drained off. This liquid, after the addition of mercury, a collection of other toxins and immune suppressants, becomes the “vaccine” injected into your body.

Even biochemically viewed, the contents of vaccine ampules can never be constant. This alone is cause for the widely varying effects of so called vaccinations.

When we look at the informational content however, we perceive that this is completely random. Some ampules may be almost neutral. Many will contain the death information of the millions of slaughtered unborn chicks and dependent upon the intensity of the death information present, will cause symptoms in the person being vaccinated, varying from mild discomfort up to permanent disability.

Some will receive such a concentration of the death information that it can cause the almost immediate death of the child into which it has been injected.

All available evidence of vaccination reactions over many decades makes this supposition virtually unassailable.

This explains why the pharmaceutical conglomerate has for many years been making such enormous efforts to have homoeopathy banned, not because of its much greater effectiveness, much lower cost and zero side effects, but if serious research were made into informationally based medicine, it would rapidly become apparent that vaccination is a major CAUSE of sickness, serious injury and death.

There are two more nails which can be hammered into vaccination’s coffin. These are:

1) Despite the stance of the pharmaceutical cartel that double blind tests to prove the effectiveness of vaccination (or otherwise) would somehow be “unethical” because two groups of people would be “denied” the “unquestionable benefits” of vaccination, such comparisons have at times, been carried out. Uniformly, they show vaccination to be a principal cause of the disease they are sold to prevent. See this list below for more details.

2) The theory upon which the vaccination fairy tale is based is scientifically speaking, “fatally flawed”. This express ion is the polite way scientists have of communicating to colleagues that their theories are total bullshit.

The theory claims that by injecting a weakened or dilute form of a virus, the immune system will be triggered to produce antibodies to that virus so that when the “real” version of the virus “attacks”, antibodies will already be present and the illness will not occur. There are two problems with this theory:

a) A fully functional immunity will naturally produce the antibodies anyway but a weakened immunity may not. This is why injecting the virus causes the disease in those with an immunity weakened by malnutrition, stress and other debilitating factors.

b) As Bechamp showed in the 19th century and Neassens proved in the last one, bacterial and viral “infections” do not occur through external attack. To the contrary, bacteria and viruses already present since birth are triggered into activity. In other words, disease is an internal reaction and not an external attack. This of course explains why more than 95% of those who come into contact with a supposed “infectious disease” are completely unaffected by it.

Modern scientific research has added another heavy hammer blow to this coffin nail in that it has shown that everyone has the bacteria and viruses for almost every known disease present in their bodies since birth, all of which lie dormant until called into action.

The first order of business in dealing with any vaccine related disease would be to attempt to remove the deadly vaccination information from the person’s system. Doing so will increase the chances of returning such a person to normal balance.

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As more and more information comes to light, people will naturally use their common sense to turn away from the vaccination scam. The only recourse which the pharmaceutical cartel has is to use their massive financial clout to purchase legislation making vaccination compulsory.

Even this will not work long-term as we saw in France in 2009; although an emergency law was passed making “swine flu” vaccination compulsory, with a refusal rate approaching 90% of the population, plans to implement it were quietly dropped.

In England, 98% of the population between the ages of 2 and 50 were vaccinated against smallpox. Shortly thereafter England experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45,000 deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%, there were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox. (The Hadwen Documents)

In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in 1940 and by 1945 diphtheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000. (Don’t Get Stuck, Hannah Allen)

In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus which causes cancer in animals as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children had been injected with these vaccines. (Med Jnl of Australia 17/3/1973 p555)

In 1967, Ghana was declared measles free by the World Health Organisation after 96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr H Albonico, MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, March 1990)

In the UK between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre, UK)

In the 1970’s a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. (The Lancet 12/1/80 p73)

In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk, who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 “Abstracts” )

In 1978, a survey of 30 States in the US revealed that more than half of the
children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. (The People`s Doctor, Dr R Mendelsohn)

In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696 697, 1981)

The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine.

In the USA, the cost of a single DPT shot had risen from 11 cents in 1982 to $11.40 in 1987. The manufacturers of the vaccine were putting aside $8 per shot to cover legal costs and damages they were paying out to parents of brain damaged children and children who died after vaccination. (The Vine, Issue 7, January 1994, Nambour, Qld)

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