Mold / Fungus

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Fungus and mold grow in warm, moist, and sugared areas such as the intestines or vagina. Taking sugar out of your diet and using silver both topically and internally can treat these. Take 1-2 droppers of ShopFreeMart Pure Silver Concentrate 3x daily and apply it topically 1-4 times daily as needed. This dosage should be continued for at least two weeks longer than symptoms are present.

You can expect to see a benefit within the first 30 minutes. It will take at least 10 minutes for the liquid to kill a fungal infection on the skin.

You can dilute 1 dropper of ShopFreeMart Pure Silver Concentrate to one ounce of water, which can also be sprayed on household items. In about 10 minutes it will kill the fungus, bacteria, or viruses on your table, food, clothes, phone, refrigerator, or toilet.

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