Colostrum is a pre-milk substance produced by breastfeeding mothers. It is produced in abundance during the very first few milkings, however when purchasing bovine colostrum as a supplement, make sure it has been taken from the cow within the first six hours after birth.
Colostrum introduces immunoglobulins from the mother to the infant and turns on the child’s immune system. Among other things, colostrum has incredible immune-balancing benefits.
Colostrum contains over 700 nutrients, including growth factors, lipidic and glucidic factors, cytokines, oligosaccharides, antimicrobials and nucleosides. This substance introduces the newborn to over 95 different compounds that balance and stabilize the immune system. It also supplies eighty seven (87) growth factors, promoting DNA synthesis, fat utilization, normal cell growth and increased mental acuity.
Improved Gut Health
The gut is responsible for nutrient absorption, detoxification and immunological balance. Microbial balance governs our immunological response. The major player here is a special immunoglobulin protein called secretory IgA (sIgA).
Individuals with autism, chronic candidiasis, gut problems, IBS, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis typically have low sIgA. Chronic stress drains the immune system and the adrenals. Chronic infections, environmental toxins and poor lifestyle all contribute to this problem.
Colostrum is the best natural substance for boosting sIgA levels in the gut. Colostrum reduces inflammatory cytokines and pathogenic species in the gut.
Colostrum provides raw materials that increase epithelial growth and help repair a damaged gut lining. The intestinal membrane replaces cells every three days and colostrum supplementation can help heal intestinal problems such as leaky gut syndrome and other permeability issues naturally.
Healing leaky gut can potentially reduce the symptoms of other related diseases.
Strengthens the Immune System
Colostrum has over 100 times more immunoglobulins than regular milk. Colostrum is also rich in transfer factors that educate and modulate the immune system, causing it to recognize specific antigens. These transfer factors also help the immune system to recognize the difference between normal tissue and pathological microbes. These transfer factors include immunoglobin G (IgG).
The transfer factors from colostrum are able to boost natural killer cell (NK) activity and calm a hyperactive immune system through activating suppressor T cells. This improves the intelligence of the immune system and allows it to function with greater efficiency. These transfer factors also act as a catalytic memory agent for the immune system to alert naive immune cells of an impending danger.
Colostrum-based IgG molecules can be a lifesaver to someone who is suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). These individuals are not able to effectively produce sufficient IgG on their own to combat pathogenic microbes like Cryptosporidium parvum. According to the Health Science Institute’s Underground Cures, “colostrum is able to ameliorate or completely eliminate the clinical symptoms of those suffering from cryptosporidiosis.”
A healthy immune system is so important that some scientists say that a healthy immune system could prevent virtually every known disease.
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