The human papilloma virus is usually what causes cervical cancer in women. Silver kills every known virus. FreeMart Pure Silver Concentrate can be used as a douche by adding 3-4 droppers full of Pure Silver Concentrate to two ounces of pure water and using a syringe to inject the liquid intravaginally and holding it for twelve minutes.
To reach the cervix, wet a tampon with Pure Silver Concentrate diluted with pure water and insert it for at least 90 minutes for killing the virus and also yeast.
Pure Silver Concentrate can be applied to the outer areas of the vaginal opening or mixed with water and sprayed on a panty liner. Cleansing yeast out of the system will prevent most vaginal odor.
Many people have successfully killed the yeast and fungus that are causing vaginal odor by taking 1-2 droppers of ShopFreeMart Pure Silver Concentrate 3x daily.
Pure Silver Concentrate can also be diluted using purified water to inject into the rectum or vagina using a syringe or douche bottle. Use 1-3 droppers of ShopFreeMart Pure Silver Concentrate (depending upon the severity of the infection) to each oz. of water before injecting and hold for twelve minutes before releasing.
ShopFreeMart Immunize and Siaga should be used regularly for preventing yeast and viruses from escaping the gut and entering into the bloodstream and becoming a problem systemically.
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