BPA’s (Plastics)

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The government lie that the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) is neither harmful nor persistent in humans at current exposure levels has been completely debunked in a new research published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Science & Technology. This latest assessment of fetal exposure to BPA has concluded that 100 percent of both young and unborn children now have BPA circulating in their bloodstreams, suggesting universal exposure to this dangerous toxin.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that BPA is fully metabolized by the liver upon exposure and thus rendered harmless, but actual science reveals quite the contrary as BPA typically ends up circulating in the bloodstream and manifesting itself in multiple toxic forms based upon using the latest in laboratory analysis techniques.

Additionally, umbilical cord blood samples were taken from 85 full-term, aborted babies in San Francisco and tested for BPA. The samples were found to contain both active BPA and various BPA metabolites. In three of the samples, BPA levels were detected at levels higher than have ever been detected in fetal blood tests. And for the first time ever, BPA sulfate, a metabolite of active BPA, was also found in cord blood samples, which came as a surprise to researchers.

“Our findings suggest universal fetal exposure to BPA in our study population, with some at relatively high levels, and we provide the evidence of detectable BPA sulfate in mid-gestation fetuses,” wrote the scientists in their report. “Our median BPA levels are similar to those measured in term umbilical cord serum from larger studies, however the concentrations of BPA in our study include the highest levels reported to date.”

BPA is likely responsible for epidemic of neurological, hormonal problems in children. The reason this is such a big deal is that BPA in its active form is a highly estrogenic substance. Previous studies have also found that the chemical can cause serious neurological damage and behavioral problems, particularly in young children and especially in young males. BPA’s estrogenic nature can severely disrupt the endocrine system, potentially causing low testosterone and other hormonal imbalances.

This latest study is the first of its kind to test mid-gestation blood samples for BPA. Previous studies have looked at blood samples taken from pregnant women, including from their amniotic fluid, placenta and cord blood, and found high percentages of BPA. But this study went a step further, proving that BPA is indeed present in human blood, and that this is not the result of testing errors or outside contamination.

“These results should go a long way toward dispelling the myth that all BPA in human blood is the result of accidental contamination during sampling,” said Laura Vandenberg, a scientist at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, referring to ridiculous claims made by some that detectable levels of BPA in blood samples must be due to laboratory contamination.

Since we now know that BPA persists in multiple active forms inside the body, and that it can be absorbed directly through the skin, the long-term implications for the health of future generations, including proper childhood development, appear dire. Recognizing this, many experts are now calling for a full ban on BPA, which is still added to metal food can linings, thermal paper receipts, plastic containers and a number of other consumer products that millions of people come into contact with every single day.

Buying food items, water and other drinks in plastic should be avoided as BPA’s readily leach into whatever it contains. When purchasing water, it should be in glass or plastic containers that do not contain BPA’s, like the blue plastic water bottles.

Taking ShopFreeMart Pure Gold regularly may help remove BPA’s and keep them at a minimum level in the body, but with so many toxins to remove on a daily basis, the first line of defense is avoidance.

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