by Ty Gray-EL 2010
If just one man would make up his mind
To everyone he meets, be kind
And fix his heart on that which is true
If one man would be so bold
As to embrace the Gospel and hold
Just think what a million men could do
If one man changed his thought
Each time the tempter brought
Some selfish scheme that would his neighbor undo
If he thought for just a minute
Just where is the kindness in it
Just think what a million thoughts like that could do
If David could slay that giant
Though huge and extremely defiant
And Solomon had the wisdom to think things through
If Shadrack could walk through fire
And his entire village inspire
Just think what a million Shadracks can do
If Noah could build that arc
Though some folk thought it a lark
And Jesus could cure those deaf and blind men too
If Sampson’s strength was that of ten
Ordinary men
Just think what a million Sampson’s could do
If one man would take a second
When his needy neighbor beckoned
And followed literally Moses tenth command
With spirits filled and nourished
Our neighborhoods would flourish
How quickly peace would spread throughout the land
If one man made up his mind
To no matter what, to be kind
No matter what others might put him through
The strength of that one man’s resolve
Would all our problems solve
And just think what a million men like that can do
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