Athlete’s foot is basically a fungal infection on the skin. It occurs when we put our feet in shoes and keep them in a warm, moist area where fungus can grow. The first step to prevention is to wear clean shoes and reduce the amount of time that your foot stays in a moist sock.
Pure Silver Concentrate can be sprayed directly on the foot and into your socks. Be sure to apply between the toes to kill any yeast growth. You can also spray silver into your shoes to kill any bacteria. In addition to athlete’s foot, fungus can get underneath your toenails. By soaking your feet for 30 minutes every other day in a Pure Silver Concentrate bath, you will kill the toenail fungus and the athlete’s foot. The fungus will return if you continue to wear shoes or socks that are housing bacteria or fungus.
By killing the bacteria and yeast, Pure Silver Concentrate will also remove the odor associated with athlete’s foot.
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