By N. Morgan
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Since the beginning of the universe, the sun has sent out waves that create electric and magnetic fields (EMFs), or radiation. At the same time the sun sends out EMFs, we can see its energy radiating out. This is visible light.
At the turn of the 20th century, electric power lines and indoor lighting spread across the world. Scientists realized that the power lines supplying all that energy to the world’s population were sending off EMFs, just like the sun does naturally.
There is a way to help limit your exposure to EMFs by using a Smart Meter Cover. Smart Meter Cover works with most US and Canadian installed Smart meters and effectively reduces Harmful EMFs.
The meter Dimensions are 4.5 deep x 7″ in Diameter
This is the most common question we get asked, hence why we have listed it first. The answer is NO – RF will not come back into the house. The reason is that the utility box itself is made of metal which blocks RF. The glass part of the smart meter is where the RF radiation emanates from. Unfortunately, the RF transmits outwardly in ALL directions – anywhere inside the house that has a line of sight to the glass portion of the smart meter will be subject to RF exposure. But, once the Smart Meter Cover is installed, the cover combined with the back of the metal utility box forms a cage that contains the RF. Once the Smart Meter Cover is in place the high-frequency radiation cannot escape and ~98% of the RF energy is reduced.
How do I know if the EMF Blocking Smart Meter Cover is working?
Occasionally a customer will write to say that the meter is not effective – so far, every time this has happened, it is because the customer happens to be measuring the wrong type of EMF.
There are THREE main types of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). All three have been linked to important biological effects in the scientific research studies, and each type of EMF is measured with a different kind of test instrument…
The Smart Meter Cover reduces the RF (or microwave) radiation from the transmitter inside the smart meter. To ensure the cover is working properly in reducing RF you would need to measure with an instrument that measures RF (again typically this is measured in μW/cm² or μW/m²). Many inexpensive “EMF” meters on the market will only measure the electric or magnetic fields coming from the utility box.

Summary of the three types of electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
Radio Frequency (RF) Fields (including microwaves)
Radio Frequency (RF) Fields (including microwaves) have been linked to several kinds of health problems. RF fields are emitted from many wireless and electronic devices – cell towers, cell phones, cordless phones, TV/radio broadcast towers, Smart Meters, Wi-Fi, wireless computers and components, baby monitors, microwave ovens, radar, etc. In the US, they are usually measured in units of “microwatts per centimeter squared” (μW/cm²).
ELF Magnetic Fields
ELF Magnetic Fields are an EMF component commonly linked to serious health effects in the research studies. Common sources include power lines, electrical wiring, light fixtures, appliances and most other electrical devices. Wiring errors and stray electricity in pipes can sometimes create surprisingly high levels. Magnetic fields are measured with an ELF* gaussmeter, in units called “milligauss” (mG).
(*Note: “ELF” or “extremely-low-frequency” is the scientific name for the EMF frequency range that includes the 60 cycles-per-second – or 60 Hertz – electricity used in the US and Canada.)
ELF Electric Fields
ELF Electric Fields have also been linked to important biological effects but have been studied less in the research. Electric fields are usually caused by hidden electrical wiring within walls, by nearby power cords for lamps and devices, and sometimes from overhead power lines. Electric fields induce measurable voltages onto the skin, which are easily detected with a Body Voltage Meter, in units of “AC Volts” (VAC).

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