
What is Disease?

Everyone agrees that “disease” is a problem, but without understanding what causes a disease, there is no way to cure it. Case in point: Cutting out a tumor or killing it with chemo and radiation does not address the “cause” of the cancer, which means the cancer will simply return with a vengeance.

The Bible says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, …” Hosea 4:1

Disease destroys and the reason it destroys (as the preceding Bible verse so clearly tells us) is either because people don’t understand the laws of health or they willingly reject them.

This book is dedicated to giving you the knowledge that you need to overcome disease and remain healthy. What you do with this information is entirely up to you.

What is Disease?

Disease is a contraction of two words; “dis” and “ease”. In other words, disease is a body that is not at ease. There may be many names and categories given to different conditions, but in reality, they are simply a different manifestation of the same problem or problems.

Every disease is caused by a toxin (poison) or number of toxins. In regard to poisons, chemicals can be divided into three broad groups: agricultural and industrial chemicals, drugs and health care products, and biological poisons—i.e., plant and animal sources. These three groups, along with a fourth category, radiation, are discussed below.

Botulinum toxin. Scientists differ about the relative toxicities of substances, but they seem to agree that botulinum toxin, produced by anaerobic bacteria, is the most toxic substance known. Its LD50 is tiny – at most 1 nanogram per kilogram can kill a human.

Foodborne botulism occurs when C. botulinum grows and produces toxins in food prior to consumption.

The number of toxins that plague the human system is perhaps innumerable. It is perhaps impossible to avoid them all, but the most common causes of toxic poisoning come from eating fast foods, snack foods foods and drinks containing sugars and artificial sweeteners. Other common and little recognized toxins come from household cleaning products, cosmetics and personal care products, including detergents, cleaners, disinfectants, soap, shampoo, and toothpaste.

Another little recognized source of toxins is living indoors with doors and windows tightly shut. Carpets, furniture and paint offgas toxins (give off chemicals in the form of a gas) that cause disease.

Much of today’s food supply is synthetic. It looks like food and tastes like food, but it is made from chemicals. This problem is compounded by the use of herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers on the food that is still grown and even worse is the fact that most fruits, vegetables and even fish and animals are being genetically modified (GMO foods).

Is it even possible then to remain healthy in today’s world? We may reach a point where we all have to grow our own food, or at least buy food that is grown organically.

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Image result for pictures of healthy food

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” hearkens back to Hippocrates, the father of medicine. This quote, though thousands of years old, acknowledges the importance of healthy eating and how the nutrients in various foods have healing properties. A healthy lifestyle with good nutrition is vital for maintaining good health and disease prevention.

Some diets encourage disease and increase the odds of obesity, diabetes and cancer. Other diets reduce the risk for these diseases. Research shows that eating a mostly plant-based diet can keep the body free of certain diseases, reverse many diseases and aid in the prevention of or reduce the risk of cancers.

A mostly plant-based diet consists largely of vegetables, whole grains, beans/legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds. If desired, twenty percent of the diet could contain organic fish, chicken, beef or wild game. It is best to keep servings of meat small (2-4 oz.). These nutrient-dense foods provide the body with healing vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats and fiber.

Some foods should be eaten separately from others. For example, fruit should only be eaten on an empty stomach and wait at least half an hour before consuming carbohydrates or protein foods. Fruits should always be eaten fresh or frozen. Canned and bottled fruit should never be eaten.

Along with a plant-based diet, keeping adequately hydrated is important for optimal health. Drinking eight, 8-ounce glasses a day is ideal. The rule of thumb: drink half your weight in ounces each day. Coffee, tea, milk, pop and juices don’t count. Drinking pure, clean water is the best way to hydrate and keep your body flushed of toxins and adding ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops to your drinking water will greatly increase the amount of water that gets into your cells.

Chemicals in our environment can be detrimental to nutritional health. Buy organic food items and choose produce from local farms when possible. Soak your fruits and vegetables for 15-minutes in water to which ShopFreeMart NVIRO soap is added before eating to eliminate pesticides and potential toxins.

“Let food be thy medicine…” is a great approach to take when looking at lifestyle changes needed to prevent and reduce disease. Take full advantage of what a healthy diet can do for you!


The photos of this young man from India were taken 8 weeks apart. At the time of the first picture, he had stage-4 liver cancer and a friend of mine from Australia named Peace Delangelo told him about baking soda and lemons as something he might use to fight the cancer, since he had no money for conventional medicine.

He went on a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables. He also began taking a tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water twice daily and drinking the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in a glass of water 4 times a day.

After about ten days he doubled his intake of lemons by squeezing 2 fresh lemons into a glass of water 4 times a day. In 8 short weeks he was a picture of good health as you can see from the second photograph and was declared cancer-free by a doctor. This is just an example of what can be done when food becomes your medicine.

Our Current World

Chris Hedges in a famous quote said, “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers and judges destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and banks destroy the economy.”

Our biggest mistake sometimes is thinking that people are looking out for our best interest ahead of their own needs and often times greed. Millions of people die needlessly and prematurely at the hands of people who either do not know better, or who purposely put their bank accounts ahead of your health.

Therefore, failure to learn how to take care of your health can not only be very costly, but may also lead to unnecessary suffering and an untimely death.

Health is your most valuable commodity, so don’t blindly trust anyone. Always get a second and third opinion when it comes to operations or even taking medications that all have serious side effects. And don’t forget to ask inspiration from the God who made you. Nobody knows better about your health than He does.

Do some research before making any major health decisions that cannot be reversed, which definitely includes taking vaccines. There are many alternatives to almost every health concern and having a strong immune system could prevent most if not all diseases.

Disclaimer: I make no medical claims or promises of cures. I am merely a reporter and I stand on my First and Ninth Amendment Rights to report things which I believe can help the reader to remain healthy and avoid getting sick.

During my studies, I came across a quote by the great Nobel Laureate, Linus Pauling who said, “Every sickness and every disease can be traced to a mineral deficiency.” This made perfect sense because growing up on a farm, I knew that animals get sick when they are lacking minerals.

I began compiling information from my research, which I later began to publish in free reports and eventually started compiling this book which the reader can use to quickly and easily find help for many, if not all of their own health concerns.

In the mid 80’s, I owned a health food store and it was my job to find products that were pure, concentrated and free from harmful ingredients. Sadly, I watched as many good products were changed or watered down to increase profits and because most people lack knowledge as to what ingredients may be helpful or harmful, I have personally formulated some products and researched others that you will learn about in this book and which I believe to be of superior quality, more concentrated and frequently less expensive than similar products of inferior quality and value.

You will also find hundreds of home remedies, many of which are inexpensive and have stood the test of time. Again, I make no claims and you the reader can do your own due diligence or seek medical advice before using or trying anything that I report here.

There are those who oppose every good thing, therefore expect to find opposing views on virtually any subject you care to research. My advice to the reader is use more than one source when researching anything. As a witness to how diverse ideas can be, look at how many Christian denominations have sprung up in disagreement over the teachings of one Bible.

Although I subscribe to no religion, I am a Christian Minister and therefore refer to Bible verses from time to time to make certain points. I hope that doesn’t offend you, but if it does, simply skip over those parts.

Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” This battle is more polarized right now than at any other time in my lifetime and includes the Wyoming Attorney General suing me for approximately $1.500,000 for publishing this book. Hopefully that will not keep you from reading and benefitting from numerous simple practices that may help your health and if you would like to help me in my personal battle, you can do so by going to Help Fight For Freedom And Justice.

Many of things written here are irrefutable. For example, minerals are electrolytes that catalyze every function of the human body. In layman’s terms, we might compare electrolytes to light switches. Each switch in your home provides electricity to a particular light. The light switch in your bathroom does not turn on the light in your kitchen. Each switch has its own function.

I like to compare the human electrical system to how your car works. Electricity ignites the fuel that powers your engine. Electricity is the power that runs your car’s computer and powers your lights, gauges, windshield wipers, horn, etc. The simple failure of a tiny fuse or other electrical component can prevent your car from running. Restoring your car to full performance may be as simple as replacing an inexpensive fuse and it may be as complex as replacing the motherboard in your car’s computer.

Greed can overcome honesty and morality when money is involved. A mechanic can easily tell you that you need to overhaul an engine or replace a transmission when in reality, you only need a small electrical component costing only a few dollars and requiring a few minutes to replace.

The same is true of doctors, a lawyers, mechanics, plumbers or any service professional. They can easily lie as to the complexity of your problem as a way to enrich themselves at your expense. It seldom hurts to get a second opinion, especially if you in any way suspect that the price you are required to pay seems too high. Furthermore, with a little research, you can often find effective solutions to your problems, which you can personally take care of at a fraction of the cost of employing a professional.

People are starting to wake up to this kind of dishonesty, in fact hundreds of doctors have been arrested for treating non-cancer patients with expensive cancer drugs or radiation and for bilking insurance companies for billions of dollars of unnecessary disease care.

Patients have died at the hands of unscrupulous heart surgeons when the patient clearly DID NOT need open heart surgery. These tragedies are result of greed and most frequently happen to people who have the best insurance policies.

There are many things that you can do for yourself prior to needing a doctor and you may be surprised at how much control you can have over your own health.

Every minor sickness and every major disease is in some way related to a lack of one or more minerals in your body. The likelihood that you can discover which mineral or minerals you are lacking is quite probable just by reading this book.

Lack of minerals is not the only factor that causes disease, namely dehydration, lack of oxygen, too much inorganic iron, fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals and other toxic chemicals. I will expound more upon these things later.

All factors which lead to disease can be minimized to a great degree, which can lend to vibrant health and increased energy for anyone who follows the natural remedies outlined in this book.

Included in these pages are certain products, some of which can easily be obtained from your local grocer or health food store and some of which are specialty items or brand name products.

When it comes to nutrition, you do not need to be a Rocket Scientist to understand that you need to buy fuel when your car runs out. When your body runs low on pure water and minerals, your cells become dehydrated and shrivel up, making it easy for viruses and diseases to attack, which in turn leads to disease and premature death.

Many man-made chemicals lead to disease and we live in a very toxic world compared to just a few generations ago. Thousands of new chemicals are discovered each year and most of them eventually end up in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.

Carpets, furniture, painted walls and many other things in our modern homes and offices off gas poisonous fumes. Chemical soaps, detergents, shampoos, toothpaste, etc. are used on a continuous basis and all of these things cause cancer, diabetes and a host of other diseases.

Most of us understand the effect of getting dirt inside of a cut or wound. The wound will fester instead of healing. If not disinfected, further complications may occur that could eventually necessitate surgery or amputation. However, when thoroughly disinfected, a wound will normally heal or cure itself as long as the necessary building blocks of nutrition are available. All of the bodily systems and organs respond similarly when they become infected with toxins of any kind.

Something that is now epidemic is adult onset (type-2) diabetes. What few people realize is, if the pancreas gets overloaded with toxins, it has to give all of its energy to eliminating the toxins, which interferes with its ability to produce insulin. Frequently, when toxins are removed from the pancreas, it will start producing insulin again and the symptom called diabetes will simply disappear.

Cure is something that only the body can do and God created the human body in such a way that when we get toxins out and then get proper nutrients to repair and replace diseased cells, the body can then return to homeostasis or good health.

In order to correct a problem, we must first understand what caused it. In a majority of cases of diabetes, the underlying cause is an overload of toxins in the pancreas; it’s that simple!

All disease has a corresponding toxic condition and those symptoms are given different names. For example, toxins that settle into and around the joints, causes a painful condition we call Arthritis. Toxins deposited in the muscle tissues result in Fibromyalgia. Toxins in the brain gets many different names from Migraines to ADHD to Dementia, depression, anxiety, etc.

Toxins are always acidic and when they get deposited around the nerves, acid begins to dissolve the myelin sheath around the nerves which is not only very painful, but which eventually affects motor functions of the body. We call this condition Multiple Sclerosis.

Toxins coming out through the skin can cause rashes Psoriasis, Eczema, etc. These are also acidic and cause burning and itching of the skin. Get rid of the toxins and symptoms generally go away.

Sometimes an organ is weaker than the surrounding tissues and cannot remove toxins as readily as the stronger surrounding tissues, causing toxins to pool up in the weaker tissue. This poses a major threat to that area of the body and it reacts by building a protective protein or fibrin sheath around the toxins, which we call a tumor.

The cells inside of the tumor often mutate in order to survive, which we call malignant cancer cells. Mutated cells thrive in a toxic environment and because there is an abundant supply of toxins inside of the tumor they grow rapidly.

The tumor builds its own circulatory system and the cancer cells literally gobble up toxins from the dirty blood flowing into the tumor. the tumor is essentially a filtering system for your blood, functioning in much the same way as the oil filter on your car filters and cleans your oil.

A tumor is actually your friend. Your body created it to prolong your life. So, what do most people do to their friend? They have their doctor kill the tumor using Chemo, Radiation or Surgery.

I have read statistics showing that those who don’t get traditional medical treatments for cancer live an average five years longer than those who do. Chemical poison is used in chemotherapy to kill cancer cells, but the problem lies in the fact that this poison is not discriminate; at the same time, it kills cancer, it poisons the entire body and it has been said that more people die from the poison than they do from the cancer. Not only that, chemo treatments are very painful, so why do so many people opt for such drastic treatments?

Even getting biopsies are dangerous. The head doctor at the Hippocrates Cancer Clinic said that getting a biopsy is like punching a hole in a bag of rice. A tumor encapsulates cancer cells and keeps them from spreading throughout the body, but once a biopsy is done, the cancer cells are free to enter the blood stream and travel throughout the body and we call such a condition metastasis.

The other problem with diagnosis is the fact that it scares people into believing they are going to die and then they die. Studies have shown that there have been numbers of cases where people were misdiagnosed and didn’t actually have cancer, but after the doctor told them they did, their belief system caused them to get cancer.

The first order of business if you are diagnosed with any symptom or disease is to remain calm and turn on the body’s ability to detoxify itself. There are many harsh detox programs, but I prefer to work with nature and give the body what it needs to turn on its own God-given ability to detoxify itself. This not only results in a better and more complete detox, but it is not invasive like most products designed for detoxification.

The body cannot be detoxified in a dehydrated condition and I can almost guarantee that if you are not drinking ShopFreeMart Hydration Water that you are dehydrated. See FreeMart Hydration Water

Cancer is not the boogeyman. It is a toxic condition. Your lifestyle and exposure to toxins is what cause the cancer and even if you were to successfully get treated for cancer, without a change of lifestyle, the cancer will return.

For anyone suspected of having cancer, or worse, diagnose as having cancer, I suggest taking a deep breath to clear your head and then start getting educated on what caused your cancer, because that will provide the answer to your cure. There are many ways to get rid of cancer and even the medical profession has discovered many cures for cancer, but each time they do, they are hidden from the public because those in control are motivated by the almighty dollar and a simple cure for cancer would quickly kill a multi-billion-dollar industry.

Many natural alternatives to cancer have also been discovered and some of them became widely known for a short duration, but when they become too successful and too widely known, practitioners were then either raided by the FDA and shut down or said doctors simply mysteriously disappeared or suddenly committed suicide. Other doctors whose lives were threatened fled to Mexico or other parts of the world where they could continue to practice without fear of being killed.

In 1931, doctor Otto Warburg received a Nobel Prize for his studies on cancer cells. Nobel Laureate, Dr. Warburg, was denied entry into the U.S. as a result a boycott by the American Medical Association. This was obviously to prevent him from exposing his inexpensive and simple cure for cancer. One thing that Dr. Warburg is famous for is proving that cancer cannot survive in a liquid having a pH of 7.0 or higher.

One simple method of maintaining an alkaline pH is to keep your cells hydrated. Cells that are completely hydrated tend to maintain a pH of 7.2 to 7.4. The simplest and most cost effective method I know of for hydrating your cells is drinking ShopFreeMart Hydration Water.

One lady who claimed that she had been diagnosed with cancers in virtually every organ of her body except for her heart, plus having Leukemia and bone cancer began drinking 2 gallons of water daily and in only a matter of weeks said that her doctor pronounced her cancer free.

I cannot verify this information since I never met this lady in person and never saw her doctor’s reports, but I did speak with her by phone and in my opinion, she appeared to be telling the truth. Moreover, she was not selling anything and had nothing to gain by telling me these things.

I not saying that anyone should drink 2 gallons of water daily. What I am suggesting is that hydration is an important part of any health protocol as dehydration is a major factor in all disease and I recommend ShopFreeMart Hydration Water as the easiest and most cost effective way I know for getting water into your cells and getting your body well hydrated.

It makes good sense that the quicker you get your body hydrated, the quicker you will be able to improve any health condition you may have. Turning to God and nature for answers makes good sense to me. 

You may have heard how English sailors were once called limeys. Early English Sailors frequently came down with a sickness called Scurvy. On a particular voyage to a more tropical shore, a sailor picked a bag full of limes which he carried on board the ship. On the return voyage, everyone got scurvey except for this one sailor. In checking what he was doing differently from the others, it was discovered that was eating limes. When other sailors began doing the same, they recovered and from that point on, new spread and English ship captains began providing limes for their sailors. 

Now we know that it was the vitamin C that prevented the scurvy and thus a deficiency of vitamin C was the cause. Prior to the discovery of limes preventing this disease, scurvy was one of the limiting factors of marine travel, often killing large numbers of the passengers and crews on long-distance voyages. In fact, in those days, scurvy was more deadly than cancer is today.

In reviewing numbers of pictures of people with scurvy and people with cancer, I saw many striking similarities. I came to the conclusion and the belief that cancer and scurvy are either one and the same, or twin sisters so to speak.

Is it possible that cancer is somehow related to scurvy? I have not heard anyone postulate this idea, but my belief is they are either the same or at least closely related. Moreover, fresh lemons and limes kill cancer, the same as they do scurvy.

If you do an Internet search about lemons and cancer, you will no doubt find reports saying that fresh organic juice from lemons or limes kills cancer faster than chemotherapy and does not kill non-cancerous cells like chemotherapy does. Some people have claimed that they cured their cancer using fresh lemon juice. Could lemons be a safe alternative for those who don’t want to undergo painful chemotherapy treatment?

So why don’t doctors give you lemon juice when diagnosed with cancer? You would no longer need a doctor would you?

Cancer is actually one of the easiest diseases to beat when you understand what causes it. See Chapter on Cancer.



The photos of this young man from India were taken 8 weeks apart. At the time of the first picture, he had liver cancer and a friend of mine from Australia named Peace Delangelo told him about baking soda and lemons as something he might use to fight the cancer as he had no money for conventional medicine.

He went on a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables. He also began taking a tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water twice daily and drinking the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in a glass of water 4 times a day.

After about ten days he doubled his intake of lemons by squeezing 2 fresh lemons into a glass of water 4 times a day. In 8 short weeks he was a picture of good health as you can see from the second photograph and was declared cancer-free by a doctor.

In conjunction with what this young man from India did, here are some other tips that I have garnered from others, which may also prove to be beneficial.

Before implementing any of this information, each individual is responsible for weighing the risks and benefits of this protocol. He or she may want to seek medical advice before and be monitored periodically by a doctor if and when trying any of these measures.

As stated before, this is not medical advice. This information is for educational purposes only and does not convey or warranty, either expressly or implied, any outcomes, promises, or benefits from using this information.

1)  SALT






7)  MAGNESIUM (liquid)



10) DIET




1.  SALT – Natural Salt

Standard table salt is heated to high temperatures in processing, the trace minerals are stripped off and Aluminum is added to keep it from clumping, all of which make this overused substance unfit for human consumption. Processed foods containing this type of salt should be avoided and natural salt should be substituted in its place.

There are three salts that I recommend: Celtic sea salt, Himalayan salt and Real Salt that comes from Redmond Utah. These salts are readily available in most health food stores.

There are cultures that drink 1-2 tsp. of salt in a warm glass of water every morning. They are healthier than those who do not. Salt is Sodium Chloride and Sodium is the water regulating mineral of the body. Anyone who has too much or too little water in the body is most likely deficient in salt.

In fact when people go to the emergency room, they are frequently given an IV, which is nothing more than purified water and salt. More often than not, people recover rather quickly after being rehydrated in this manner.

I once read a story of a man who after having had numerous health challenges and several operations, checked himself into a hospital and paid to be put on an IV until he died. After his death, they performed an autopsy and found that all of his organs had healed completely. The indication was that he could have lived a normal life if he had eaten food as well.

My observation is that the IV is the only cure that modern doctors have in their bag of tricks and if you were to get sick you would likely be better off getting an IV than taking drugs, radiation, chemotherapy, etc.

The problem is, that after giving you an IV most doctors then send you home and recommend a no-salt or low-salt diet, so that you will end up getting dehydrated again and need to come in for another fix of salt water.

Constipation is a result of a dehydrated bowel. When drinking 1-2 tsp. of salt in warm or room temperature water, it has the same specific gravity as blood and therefore is shunted to the bowel instead of the kidneys. This cleanses and hydrates the bowel and is a marvelous addition to a good health protocol. Anyone experiencing difficult stools or any kind of bowel inflammation can benefit from drinking salt water in this manner. If you do not experience an immediate improvement in bowel activity, increase the amount of salt you are taking for a few days until you do.

Note: Many people are severely dehydrated and therefore their bodies are holding onto water. After starting to ingest salt in this manner, some people will balloon up with water as a result and therefore they should take only 1/4 tsp. or less daily in the beginning until their bodies begin to adjust to having salt and extra water in their diets.

ShopFreeMart Hydration Water should also be consumed for hydration purposes. It will hydrate the human system faster than any other substance I have found or used. After a period of time, the bowel should also become more hydrated, making bowel movements easier and more regular.


The mineral gold is useful for turning on the functions of the organs of elimination in the body. When taking ShopFreeMart Pure Gold in the manner recommended for a ten day cleanse, the cells will have a heightened ability to open up and release toxins throughout the body.

Remember that getting rid of toxins is the primary goal when addressing any symptom or disease. Everything seems to work better and last longer when it is clean. Have you ever notice that even your car runs better after an oil change?

I recommend adding one-half bottle of ShopFreeMart Pure Gold to a gallon glass jar, together with 6 drops of ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops Concentrate and then finish filling the gallon jar with distilled water. (When using Gold in this manner, it must be mixed with distilled water and nothing else.)

First thing in the morning, drink 8 – 12 oz of the Gold water mixture on an empty stomach. If you must brush your teeth first, do not use toothpaste. Use either ShopFreeMart Shave and Shower gel or just brush with water.

Wait for one half hour before eating or drinking anything.

After finishing the ten day cleanse, return to putting a dropper full of Pure Gold under you tongue 3-7 times per week as Gold also feeds the brain and is believed to repair the codons in your DNA which are constantly under attack by Free Radicals in your body.


Almost all disease is going to be accompanied by a condition where there are disease causing micro-organizms or parasites that are hosting on the toxicity in your body. It is like vultures that flock around dead and dying animals.

It has now been discovered that people suffering from Alzheimers have nematodes in their brains. Nematodes are also found in Lyme’s patients and perhaps in MS patients.

Candida is also a problem in most people and that is due in great part to the fact that the consumption of sugars of all kinds has gone through the roof. Candida thrives wherever there is sugar and we know now that cancer is nothing more than overgrown candida colonies.

ShopFreeMart PureSilver taken in therapeutic doses may be the answer to killing some of these critters that are causing so much havoc in our society today.

There was a young girl for example that had warts all over her body. Her doctor would burn off the ones around her mouth just so she could eat. She started taking a therapeutic dose of ShopFreeMart Silver and in 6 weeks time, every wart had fallen off from her head to her toes.

Silver by itself will conquer many problems, especially where there is any kind of inflammation involved, because where there is inflammation, there are also colonies of bacteria, viruses or yeast.

I have seen so many conditions benefit from taking Silver that I recommend giving it a try. It could be an important part of your health protocol.


Fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice kills cancer faster than chemotherapy without any side effects and since all diseases have essentially the same root, adding some lemon or lime to the diet could be helpful. This is an effective and proven method of cleansing which can facilitate healing throughout the entire body.

Several times throughout the day I drink 20 oz. of water with the juice of 2 freshly squeezed small limes or 1/2 to 1 lemon and 1/4 tsp. of Real Salt. I do this as often as I feel hungry or I need more energy.

Note: DO NOT use regular table salt and if you are severely dehydrated (which many people are) you may need to use smaller amounts of salt in the beginning as your body is in the mode of retaining water and will take some time to regulate itself to having the right kind of salt and plenty of water.

Thousands of people regularly use lemon water as a way to cleanse the body and it can safely be done for 7 days without eating any other food.

This can also be done for shorter durations of tme to fit your personal scheldule.

You should also get extra rest whenever going on a cleanse.


If I were only able to choose one ShopFreeMart product for strengthening the immune system and warding of disease, it would clearly be Siaga. I give this product a 5-star rating due to the large number and variety of nutrients that it provides, many of which are well-documented on pub-med sites as strengthening the body in its fight against immune deficiencies, respiratory symptoms, elevated blood pressure and blood sugar and cancer.

Note: In rare cases, some people may experience detox symptoms (diarrhea, tiredness or pain). If you experience these symptoms, you may reduce the amount you are taking for a few days. Detoxification is actually a good thing and if you can live with the symptoms, it is best to get these toxins out of your body.

Drinking extra water will allow the Siaga to do its job even better and remove any toxins that may be released and flush them out of your body more effectively. From my own experience, ShopFreeMart Hydration Water helps to hydrate the body and flush out toxins better and faster than any other water I have found and when mixed with distilled water it is even more effective at removing toxins than when mixed with spring or filtered water.

***Adequate Water Is Imperative for Absorption and Detoxification***

6.  BREATHING EXERCISES – All disease is accompanied by low Oxygen levels.

Quote From Chapter on Breathing Exercises: “Here is some exciting breakthrough news regarding Cancer and all other diseases. This information will tell you how to quickly have 12 times more Oxygen going through your bloodstream and reaching every cell in your body. This was scientifically documented at a major University in Utah.

7. MAGNESIUM – Studies show that many foods today are lacking in Magnesium and therefore many people are deficient in this important mineral.

NOTE: ShopFreeMart Magnesium is perhaps the best source of Magnesium that you can buy. It can be taken orally and or applied topically.

Magnesium deficiency can include muscle cramps, muscle twitching, facial tics, poor sleep, and chronic pain. Tests showing Calcium deficiency may actually be Magnesium deficiency and one of the first recommendations upon receiving low Calcium test results is Magnesium supplementation. 

Prior to finding ShopFreeMart Magnesium, my research indicated that the best way to absorb Magnesium was transdermally and that many serious health symptoms respond favorably when applying liquid Magnesium to the skin. ShopFreeMart Pure Magnesium can be used both topically by rubbing into the skin and also internally.


Oil Swishing is one of the least costly methods of getting toxins out of your body and many people have cured themselves of numbers of serious ailments with this simple home remedy alone.

This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects. The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity.

It consists of swishing cold-pressed Sunflower or Sesame oil in the mouth. The healing process is accomplished by getting rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy micro flora. In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. “They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.”

The method:

In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon of cold-pressed Sunflower or Sesame oil in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move the oil “slowly” in the mouth as in rinsing or swishing and as Dr. Karach puts it, “sip, suck and pull through the teeth” for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva.

Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. The oil should not be swallowed as it has become toxic. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and turns white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth. The oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and the mouth must be washed thoroughly. Don’t brush with toothpaste. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.

If one were to see one drop of this “swishing” liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development. Therefore clean the sink properly; you can spray a little bit of ShopFreeMart PureSilver to disinfect the sink because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. Anti-bacterial soap has some bad side effects and therefor I do not recommend using it.

It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one’s metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health. One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth.

The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.  See Oil Swishing

9.  ShopFreeMart NVIRO Soap HOT BATHS

I was told a story about a person who had 4th stage pancreatic cancer. He was in a lot of pain so his doctor put him on morphine. He discovered that taking very hot baths with 1 oz. of a coconut-based soap added to the bath water gave him a tremendous amount of relief and for this reason he sometimes took multiple baths daily.

According to the person who told me this story, the bath water turned quite dark and had a foul odor, apparently from something that was coming out of his skin.

Supposedly his cancer went away in a few months and the only change in his lifestyle was the hot coconut soap baths.

This is purely anecdotal, but if you are suffering from any kind of pain, try taking a hot bath with a capful or two of NVIRO soap added to it and just see if you get some relief.

NVIRO soap is made from coconut; it is all natural and is a powerful enough to clean your oven and your grill, yet totally safe and gentle enough to wash your baby’s bottom.

Prior to getting into the bath, I recommend drinking a warm glass of ShopFreeMart Hydration Water (DO NOT HEAT ANYTHING IN A MICROWAVE OVEN).

Make sure that your bath water is as hot as you can comfortably stand so that you will perspire profusely.

Do this as often as seems expedient.


Everything in the universe has its own unique vibration. The word poison comes from the same root as positive and poisons destroy the electrical balance of the neutrons that revolve around the nucleus of the atoms that make up your cells, making you sick.

You should generally eliminate all acid forming foods including sodas, sugars, artificial sweeteners, wheat, corn grains, canned fruits, fruit juices and most dairy products. Especially eliminate ALL GMO food sources. GMO foods are genetically altered and the human body CANNOT utilize such foods. Furthermore, ALL GMO foods are laden with toxic chemicals that are used in the process of growing them.

I find that when people cannot get rid of pain and are not responding favorably to the rest of this protocol, there is something they are eating or drinking that they need to let go of and it could be as simple as eating foods that are genetically modified or eating meat that came from animals that were fed GMO foods.

Fruits and vegetables should ALWAYS be fresh and vine ripened. Raw fruits and vegetables can be eaten together, but NEVER eat fruits with meat, cooked vegetables or flour products. Fruits were designed to leave the stomach within half an hour and when eaten with other foods, they will remain in the stomach for longer than half an hour and they will produce a lot of acids and gases. Canned foods are not fit for human consumption and will not give you what you need to create healthy cells.

Taking a little apple cider vinegar or some digestive enzymes with heavy foods can help improve digestion and reduce acid reflux from indigestion.

Plenty of pure water is essential to health. In addition to all other drinks that you may consume, you need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 100 lbs. you need to drink 50 ounces of water daily. However, if you are drinking ShopFreeMart Hydration Water you won’t have to drink so much. I believe that drinking one 8 oz glass of ShopFreeMart Hydration Water will hydrate you better than drinking a gallon the same water not treated with ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops Concentrate.

11. CHANGING THE HEART BY THINKING POSITIVE THOUGHTS! “Negativity is a killer and behind every cancer is negativity and perhaps the inability to forgive.”


11. Another thing that I use, and which I find to be very effective is to meditate or sit quietly and imagine that my body has all of the nutrition it needs for healing and rejuvenation. I then surround myself with the feeling of having this nutrition by asking myself, “How does it feel to have all of the nutrients I need for healing and rejuvenating my body?”  See Faith

You can end this meditation with an affirmation by saying something like “So let it be done” or “I am so happy and thankful that I now have all of the nutrition I need to heal and rejuvenate my body.”

By using the Health Protocol – What if the Worst Thing that could Happen is Nothing?


Christine Waterbury had 4th Stage Thyroid and Lymph Node Cancers when she started on the Health Protocol. After checking into the hospital, she was infected with MRSA Virus, which by itself is often fatal. With a weakened immune system and due to the late stage of her cancers and the fact that doctors have nothing that will kill MRSA, they gave her up to die.

Her husband Richard heard about my health protocol and he began giving her Silver, while she was still in the hospital. He frequently rubbed Silver on the bottoms of her feet. Richard believes that the Silver was absorbed into her bloodstream, killing the MSRA.

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Calcium requirement for men and women is lower than previously estimated.
US Department of Agriculture

Experts say excessive calcium intake may be unwise in light of recent studies showing that high amounts of the mineral may increase risk of prostate cancer. “There is reasonable evidence to suggest that calcium may play an important role in the development of prostate cancer,” says Dr. Carmen Rodriguez, senior epidemiologist in the epidemiology and surveillance research department of the American Cancer Society (ACS).

Rodriguez says that a 1998 Harvard School of Public Health study of 47,781 men found those consuming between 1,500 and 1,999 mg of calcium per day had about double the risk of being diagnosed with metastatic (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body) prostate cancer as those getting 500 mg per day or less. And those taking in 2,000 mg or more had over four times the risk of developing metastatic prostate cancer as those taking in less than 500 mg.

Later in 1998, Harvard researchers published a study of dairy product intake among 526 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 536 similar men not diagnosed with the disease. They found a 50% increase in prostate cancer risk and a near doubling of risk of metastatic prostate cancer among men consuming high amounts of dairy products, likely due, say the researchers, to the high total amount of calcium in such a diet. The most recent Harvard study on the topic, published in October 2001, looked at dairy product intake among 20,885 men and found men consuming the most dairy products had about 32% higher risk of developing prostate cancer than those consuming the least.

The adverse effects of excessive calcium intake may include high blood calcium levels, kidney stone formation and kidney complications. Elevated calcium levels are also associated with arthritic/joint and vascular degeneration, calcification of soft tissue, hypertension and stroke, increase in VLDL triglycerides, gastrointestinal disturbances, mood and depressive disorders, chronic fatigue, and general mineral imbalances including magnesium, zinc, iron and phosphorus. High calcium levels interfere with Vitamin D and subsequently inhibit the vitamin’s cancer protective effect unless extra amounts of Vitamin D are supplemented.

Magnesium is the mineral of rejuvenation and prevents the calcification of our organs and tissues that is characteristic of the old-age related degeneration of our body. Calcium and magnesium are opposites in their effects on our body structure. As a general rule, the more rigid and inflexible our body structure is, the less calcium and the more magnesium we need.

Past recommendations of ratios of magnesium to calcium were generally one part magnesium to two parts calcium. However, for those interested in preventing cancer one should look closely at the 3:1 ratio and during the first six months of cancer treatment, one should be looking at ten parts magnesium to one part calcium. In reality one need not even count the ratio during the first months for the only real danger of extremely high magnesium levels comes with patients suffering from kidney failure. If one is at all concerned about their calcium intake one should eat foods high in both calcium and magnesium like green leafy vegetables and toasted sesame seeds. I particularly recommend Silver-beet. (Swiss Chard).

Magnesium has a central regulatory role in the cell cycle including that of affecting transphorylation and DNA synthesis, and has been proposed as the controller of cell growth, rather than calcium.

Medical wisdom tells us that magnesium is actually the key to the body’s proper assimilation and use of calcium, as well as other important nutrients. If we consume too much calcium without sufficient magnesium, the excess calcium is not utilized correctly and may actually become toxic, causing painful conditions in the body. Hypocalcemia is a prominent manifestation of magnesium deficiency in humans. (Rude et al., 1976) Even mild degrees of magnesium depletion significantly decrease the serum calcium concentration. (Fatemi et al., 1991)

Doctors who have used intravenous magnesium treatments know the benefits of peaking magnesium levels, even if only temporarily. For the cancer patient the transdermal approach combined with oral use offers the opportunity to take magnesium levels up strongly and quickly. For emergency situations three applications a day, for urgent two treatments would be indicated though one strong treatment with an ounce of a natural magnesium chloride solution spread all over the body like a sun screen is a powerful systemic treatment.

Calcium and magnesium are opposites in their effects on our body structure. As a general rule, the more rigid and inflexible our body structure is, the less calcium and the more magnesium we need.

Up to 30% of the energy of cells in your body is used to pump calcium out of the cells.

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12 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

too much sugar

Most of us think that only people with diabetes have high blood sugar levels. That isn’t necessarily true. Anyone can suffer from this and they will likely not notice the harm being done to nerves, blood vessels and organs as a result of this condition.

To prevent complications, you should be aware of the major symptoms that could indicate you are eating too much sugar.

Symptom number one is constant hunger. You’ve just eaten lunch and perhaps even dessert, but still you look for more food. That is probably a sign you are eating eat too much sugar.

High blood sugar prevents glucose from entering your cells and as a result your body is not getting the energy it needs and asks for food again and again. It’s a vicious circle. Try cutting off creamy desserts, carbonated drinks and don’t put sugar in your tea or coffee. Eliminate sugar from your diet and you’ll see results very soon.

Symptom number two is increased fatigue. Are you familiar with this feeling? Before you even get out of bed, or perhaps you’re out of bed and you’re not quite awake yet and you already feel tired. There’s a simple explanation for this. When your blood sugar level is elevated, your body can’t store and absorb glucose properly. Energy is used inefficiently and your body’s cells don’t receive the fuel they need. That’s why you often feel tired for no reason.
It you simply can’t cut sugar all at once, at least replace it with honey and we are talking about using a small spoon, not a whole jar.

Symptom number three is frequent urination. When your blood sugar is too high, your kidneys cannot reabsorb fluid, so your body attempts to bring the concentration of glucose to normal by diluting your blood with intracellular fluid. This results in frequent urination. In other words you run to the bathroom almost every five minutes. The only way to stop this annoying situation is to say no to sugar, candies, ice cream, muffins and other sweets you love. At least give it a try.

Symptom number four is dry mouth or excessive thirst. A dry mouth and thirst are responses to severe fluid loss. Your hypothalamus causes you to be thirsty by sending a signal to your brain. Of course, when that happens you are typically going to drink something. The problem is that most people are consuming beverages that are dehydrating, rather than hydrating. Replace your sweet drinks with water and if you want the water to get inside of your cells, add some ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops to your drinking water.

Avoid drinking juice drinks. A lot of junk foods and drinks are dressed up to look like something healthy when they are just the opposite. Juice drinks contain a lot of sugar. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, add a piece of lemon, or some mint or perhaps some organic strawberry slices to your glass. This simple trick will make your water more appealing.

Symptom number five is sudden weight loss. If you happen to lose weight within a short period even though your meals contain a lot of calories, this could indicate high glucose levels in your blood. Here is why this can happen. Fluid loss leads to dehydration in your body, which obviously results in weight loss. If your insulin level is insufficient to metabolize all of the glucose in your blood, your body will start burning fat faster in order to produce energy. A large amount of urine when glucose levels are high makes your body spend a lot of calories. In this way your body tries to dump the excess glucose. This is not a healthy situation. In short, raising glucose levels leads to fluid loss and dehydration.

Symptom number six is infectious diseases. Urinary tract infections and yeast infections can occur in both men and women, however they occur more often in women with high sugar levels and diabetes. A significant amount of sugar creates a favorable environment for yeast and bacteria growth. Want to prevent UTIs and other infections? Eat as little sugar as possible and better if you can cut it out altogether. Try doing it for a week, then for a month and so on. This will result in a natural and healthy change of eating habits without stress.

Symptom number seven is dry skin. Did you know that dry skin is connected to high blood sugar levels? Here are the reasons. Excessive urination dehydrates your body to such an extent that your skin begins to dry out. Skin problems on your legs are a sign of narrowing of the arteries and poor blood circulation. High blood sugar also damages the nerves, disrupting the normal function of the sweat glands, which also affects the moisture levels of your skin.

Symptom number eight is difficulty concentrating. We all know the phrase that our brains need sugar for better work, however high blood sugar actually prevents glucose from entering your brain cells. This results in reduced energy inside your brain, which reduces the speed of thinking and decision making.

Symptom number nine is blurred vision. Blurred vision is often caused by dehydration of the eyes due to high blood sugar. Dehydrated cells lose their shape and become deformed, resulting in the inability of your eyes to focus properly.

Symptom number ten is slow healing of cuts and wounds. Have you noticed that your cuts and wounds are healing slower than usual? That can be due to vascular damage caused by high sugar levels, which leads to poor blood circulation, especially in your limbs, which in turn causes insufficient nutrition to the extremities of your body.

Symptom number eleven is Impotence. Difficulties maintaining an erection can be caused by high blood glucose. A normal erection requires healthy nerves, good blood flow and proper balance of hormones. An excess of sugar in your blood can affect each of these systems.

Symptom number twelve is irritability. According to research, people with high blood sugar are more anxious. The brain depends on a level supply of glucose and abrupt changes in this level affects the brain negatively. As a result your mood suddenly gets worse. Sugar also affects the absorption of another nutrient responsible for mood and that is the mineral chromium. Chromium is needed to maintain proper insulin levels. Insulin is the hormone that removes excess glucose from the blood. Lack of insulin is a condition called Diabetes.

So what can be done to alleviate some of these symptoms?

First is to get well hydrated. I personally add 6 drops of ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops to a gallon of distilled water and try to drink 2-4 liters per day. That is going to help dilute the sugar in the blood, make the blood flow better through the blood vessels, improving circulation and of course it will help carry more nutrients to the extremities of your body.

Sugar and or carbohydrate craving is a sign that you have an overgrowth of Candida.

The signs: You can’t get through the day without bread or sugar.

Some of the causes: You have had more than your fair share of antibiotics or antacids, which could have triggered an overgrowth of bad bacteria.

Antibiotics kill “good” bacteria in the gut, while antacids neutralize the stomach acid that normally tackles bad bacteria. Yeast feeds on sugar. It triggers cravings for sugar and bread because the body quickly converts these to glucose.

Eating sugar makes the yeast multiply, thus intensifying cravings and creating a vicious cycle. Steroids and stress, which increase your body’s secretion of the hormone cortisol, can suppress your immune system, allowing yeast to run wild, making sugar cravings constant.

The solution: Cut back on all forms of sugar, flour products, canned fruits and caffeine. Take ShopFreeMart Activate to kill off excess candida and to increase the number of good bacteria in the gut.

ShopFreeMart Sugar-D can help normalize blood sugar levels. It provides the important minerals chromium and vanadium which are both important in regulating insulin and blood sugar. Sugar-D can also reduce the food cravings and make you feel more satisfied if taken with a glass of water at least 1/2 hour before a meal. 

ShopFreeMart PureCopper can help increase energy levels. Copper is essential for the synthesis of ATP, which is the main source of energy for the body. Copper also strengthens the veins and capillaries which improves circulation and helps prevent weakness of the eyes. Copper is also the mineral to take that helps wounds heal more quickly. Copper is also needed for sugar metabolism.

If you are diabetic or on your way to becoming diabetic, magnesium is one of the most important minerals you can take. Lack of magnesium actually causes diabetes. ShopFreeMart PureMag crosses the blood-brain barrier, which can help improve concentration and brain function, whereas many of the popular brands do not, so PureMag is effective at getting to the remotest parts of your body.

Siaga supports clean blood, healthy blood sugar levels and the removal of toxins from the cells. This can help wounds to heal faster. Siaga also promotes oxygenation of the blood and increases availability of nutrients to the cells, which is the foundation of good health.

ShopFreeMart Vitalize helps improve sugar metabolism, energy, sleep, muscle strength and overall repair of damaged cells. It also helps improve libido. I was talking with one of our members recently who is 70 years old. His wife is 25 years younger than he is and he told me that she really loves our Vitalize product. I asked him to tell me more and he told me that she had not started taking Vitalize yet herself, but that his libido has gone through the roof, which makes her very happy. She now tells him, you are still 70 years old from the neck up, but now you are 45 years old from the neck down.

ShopFreeMart PureSilver can help keep bacteria levels under control that cause urinary tract infections and other infections as well. 

ShopFreeMart Immunize is pure bovine colostrum is also one of the best products to help restore the gut. It has over 700 natural nutrients that benefit all functions of the body. In fact all of the ShopFreeMart products have their place. Some of them you should not miss a day without taking them. Others may greatly improve some of your functions by taking them only 2-3 times a week.

So spend some time getting to know all of the products and some of the symptoms that may show up when they nutrients are lacking and then you will be able to take control of your own health and you may never need to see a doctor unless you have a serious accident or something like that.

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Yeast grows in the skin, vagina, and digestive system. It can be very damaging because it feeds off the very cells that are healthy and normal inside our intestines. Yeast lives in warm, moist areas and feeds off sugars.

Pure Silver has been documented to kill yeast both inside and outside of the body. It will even kill stachybotrys, the black mold or yeast that grows in showers and on walls.

Many people have successfully killed the yeast and fungus that are causing pain throughout the body by taking 1-2 droppers of ShopFreeMart PureSilver 3x daily.

PureSilver can also be diluted using purified water to inject into the rectum or vagina using a syringe or douche bottle. Use 1-3 droppers of ShopFreeMart PureSilver (depending upon the severity of the infection) to each oz. of water before injecting.

When large numbers of yeast colonies are killed rapidly, the cleanse may be accompanied by one to three weeks of flu-like symptoms until the dead yeast is washed out of the body.

Drinking plenty of purified water with ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops Concentrate added to it can help remove toxins that are being released as a result of any kind of detoxification program.

Acidophilus supports a healthy intestinal flora, which is an important part of the body’s defense against the overgrowth of yeast and fungus.

ShopFreeMart Siaga and D-Cal also have anti-fungal properties, which in turn helps control the growth of yeast.

ShopFreeMart Hydration Water, Immunize and PureMag support proper pH by neutralizing acid in the body, all of which are a major factor in preventing an onslaught of yeast and fungus and should be a daily regimen for anyone suffering from pain.

There is also a good probiotic found in the refrigerated section of some organic food stores that targets yeast in women. This can actually benefit both men and women in conjuction with taking Immunize if they are suffering from a systemic yeast infection. It is called Raw Probiotics Vaginal Care. It is made by Garden of Life and has 38 strains of good bacteria with a count of over 50 billion per capsule.

If yeast is in the intestines, it is important to remove sugars from the diet, as it feeds on sugars. ShopFreeMart PureSilver can be inserted in the vagina or on a tampon or panty liner for about 90 minutes to fight a vaginal infection.

It has also been reported that putting 3 drops of PureSilver in one ear and lying on your side for 6-10 minutes and then repeating with the other ear has a considerable impact upon yeast infections.

You should expect to realize a benefit in the first two hours after use. Systemic problems however may take months to resolve. For systemic yeast problems, drink one gallon of pure water daily to which you have added 3 droppers of PureSilver. Some people have reported getting rid of toenail fungus in as little as 3 months using this method.

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Wound Healing

Wounds come in many forms – burns, cuts, lacerations, bruises, broken bones. |silver| has been documented to help improve wound healing. In a study done at the University of Utah, pigs healed substantially faster and had less bacteria, viruses, and mold when treated with liquid silver.

Pure Silver can be applied topically to any wound 4 or more times daily. By keeping the wound moist, it will improve more quickly and with less scarring. Taking 1-2 droppers of ShopFreeMart PureSilver 3x daily will help improve wounds in the nose, ears, eyes, nose, throat, or any part of the body.

ShopFreeMart |copper| is also noted for helping repair wounds.

ShopFreeMart Hydration Drops and ShopFreeMart Gold can help reduce scarring and in some cases remove old scar tissue.

ShopFreeMart Immunize has many powerful building blocks of nutrition that may improve the body’s ability to heal wounds.

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Who is God?

Following my own 11-year quest to know God, I wrote a rather large book on the things I learned. I am going to share what I feel are the most important points as I believe that a truly balanced life includes bringing the body, mind and spirit into homeostasis as well as having plenty of money to enjoy life and having the means to reach your highest potential in each of these areas.

Matthew 25:46 says that the wicked shall receive eternal punishment and the righteous shall receive eternal life.

In my younger years, I read this scripture and although, I didn’t really know what “eternal life” meant, I came to the conclusion that it must be better than eternal punishment.

I also read:

“You study the scriptures diligently because you “THINK” that in them you have eternal life.” John 5:39. This is NOT an admonition to study the scriptures; it is saying that many “think” that eternal life is found in the scriptures, when actually, eternal life is found in “knowing” God!

“Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven…” Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, (you never knew me): depart from me.” Matthew 7:21-23

I inserted the corrected translation in the scripture verse above. Obviously, Christ “knows” each of us and he could not truthfully say “I never knew you.”

In the original text it says, “You never knew me.” This makes perfect sense and coincides with the scripture that says, “This is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3

I didn’t want to spend my life reading the Bible just to “think” that I had eternal life, nor spend my life having enough faith in Christ to work mighty miracles in his name, and upon reaching the “pearly gates” be told to depart. So I began asking God to show me personally what I needed to do to inherit eternal life.

I don’t really know why, but my single greatest desire was to have eternal life and I was determined to find out how to obtain it.

I reasoned that if “many” who had strong enough faith to work mighty miracles in Christ’s name would not obtain eternal life, that there must be a particular manner in which we need to know God and I began telling God that I wanted to know him in whatever “manner” that he required for me to obtain eternal life.

The rest of this chapter has been moved to another server. It is rather long and quite deep for someone who is not well exercised in the Spirit. However, if you feel like the Spirit is telling you to read it, I will be happy to send you that link. Please send and email to and request this information.

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Weight Loss

Obesity is a nutritional deficiency disease and at least 60% of Americans are overweight. A lack of micronutrients causes a raging hunger message to be sent out causing you to eat anything in sight, but it is impossible to satisfy food cravings with food that lacks the missing nutrition. A healthy body is naturally lean and muscular.

ShopFreeMart products will help satisfy food cravings and help you lose weight by providing the missing nutrients that keep you thin and healthy.

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.

Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. In 2008, 1.5 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight. Of these over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese.

Nearly 43 million children under the age of five were overweight in 2010.

65% of the world’s population lives in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight.

For most people, overweight and obesity are caused by not having energy balance. Weight is balanced by the amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks (this is called energy IN) equaling the energy your body uses for things like breathing, digesting, and being physically active (this is called energy OUT).

Sometimes hormone problems cause overweight and obesity. These problems include:

It is estimated that conservatively 80% of the population suffers from an Underactive Thyroid (hypothyroidism): This is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone. Lack of thyroid hormone will slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain. You’ll also feel tired and weak. ShopFreeMart PureCopper supports a healthy thyroid, which can result in increased metabolism and weight loss.

Also necessary for a healthy thyroid is Iodine. Get some cheap rust colored Betadine or Provodine or the kind that your veterinary uses on animals. Apply some to the bottoms of your feet or inner thighs before going to bed. By morning it should have all soaked in. Keep doing this until it stops soaking in and you will have plenty of iodine for a while. Reapply periodically to see if you still have plenty. With copper and iodine levels at normal, your thyroid has a good chance of working normally once again.

Cushing’s syndrome: This is a condition in which the body’s adrenal glands make too much of the hormone cortisol. Cushing’s syndrome also can happen when people take high levels of medicines such as prednisone for long periods of time. People with Cushing’s syndrome gain weight, have upper-body obesity, a rounded face, fat around the neck, and thin arms and legs. ShopFreeMart Vitalize has been proven in clinical studies to reduce cortisol and help balance other hormones as well. 

At the time I first started taking ShopFreeMart products product, I was under a lot of stress and was putting on belly fat at an alarming rate due to high levels of cortisol. Within one week of taking all of the ShopFreeMart products, my cortisol levels were non-existent and I had already lost 3 inches off my waistline. From that time my digestion has improved, my stress levels are very low and my belly has continued to reduce in size.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): This is a condition that affects about 5 to 10 percent of women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS often are obese, have excess hair growth, and have reproductive and other health problems due to high levels of hormones called androgens. Again, the nutrients in ShopFreeMart Vitalize and PureGold may help to balance all of the hormones.

Medicines: Certain medicines such as corticosteroids (for example, prednisone), antidepressants (for example, Elavil®), and medicines for seizures (for example, Neurontin®) may cause you to gain weight. These medicines can slow the rate at which your body burns calories, increase your appetite, or cause your body to hold on to extra water, all of which can lead to weight gain. Proper diet and nutritional support can help most people come off of their medications and allow the body to heal itself.

Emotional Factors: Some people eat more than usual when they are bored, angry, or stressed. Over time, overeating will lead to weight gain and may cause overweight or obesity. ShopFreeMart Vitalize and Sugar-D  may help with stress and stop the food cravings that cause people to overeat.

Smoking: Some people gain weight when they stop smoking. One reason is that food often tastes and smells better. Another reason is because nicotine raises the rate at which your body burns calories, so you burn fewer calories when you stop smoking. However, smoking is a serious health risk, and quitting is more important than possible weight gain. Tobacco quickly burns up many minerals and B Vitamins in the body. ShopFreeMart PureGold, PureCopper and Vitalize may help to reduce the desire for tobacco. Eating raw nuts, with the exception of peanuts, may also help reduce the desire to smoke.

As you get older, you tend to lose muscle, especially if you’re less active. Muscle loss can slow down the rate at which your body burns calories. If you don’t reduce your calorie intake, as you get older you may gain weight. Middle age weight gain in women is mainly due to aging and lifestyle, but menopause also plays a role. Many women gain around 5 pounds during menopause and have more fat around the waist than they did before. Taking ShopFreeMart products accompanied by exercise can help increase muscle mass, which will greatly increase metabolism and weight loss.

Studies show that the less people sleep, the more likely they are to be overweight or obese. People who report sleeping 5 hours a night, for example, are much more likely to become obese compared to people who sleep 7-8 hours a night.

People who sleep fewer hours also seem to prefer eating foods that are higher in calories and carbohydrates, which can lead to overeating, weight gain, and obesity over time. Hormones that are released during sleep control appetite and the body’s use of energy. For example, insulin controls the rise and fall of blood sugar levels during sleep. People who don’t get enough sleep have insulin and blood sugar levels that are similar to those in people who are likely to have diabetes.

Also, people who don’t get enough sleep on a regular have higher levels of a hormone called ghrelin (which causes hunger) and low levels of a hormone called leptin, which helps to curb hunger.

People who are inactive are more likely to gain weight because they don’t burn up the calories that they take in from food and drinks. An inactive lifestyle also raises your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colon cancer, and other health problems.

Americans are surrounded by huge food portions in restaurants, fast food places, gas stations, movie theaters, supermarkets, and even at home. Some of these meals and snacks can feed two or more people. Eating large portions means too much energy IN. Over time, this will cause weight gain if it isn’t balanced with physical activity.

Lack of access to healthy foods: Some people don’t live in neighborhoods that have supermarkets that sell healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and if they do, these items are often too costly.

Food advertising: Americans are surrounded by ads from food companies. Often children are the targets of advertising for high-calorie, high-fat snacks and sugary drinks. The goal of these ads is to sway people to buy these high-calorie foods, and often they do.

Incorrect breathing: You can burn more calories sitting on the couch with 5 minutes of correct breathing exercises than you can in a 5-mile run or half hour workout at the gym. Studies done at the University of Utah proved that up to 7,000 calories could be burned over a 24-hour period resulting from one 5-minute workout combined with a particular breathing method. ShopFreeMart members can now learn how to breathe correctly in order to lose weight quickly and safely. (See Breathing Exercises)

Undernourished: When the body is lacking minerals, it sends out a hunger signal, hoping that you will eat something containing the minerals that are lacking. The craving for food will never go away until you supply the missing minerals, no matter how much you eat. This is the biggest factor in weight gain.

Taking ShopFreeMart Sugar-D and D-Cal, PureCopper and PureMag can supply missing nutritients that result in food cravings. These products provide nutrients known to strengthen the thyroid and balance your hormones, which is a major factor in weight loss.

Dehydration is also a major cause of food cravings. Actually the body is craving water, but many people are confused as to what their bodies are needing. Hydration Drops will quench your thirst better than any liquid we have found and it will also hydrate the cells better, and that is why we should be drinking liquids is for hydration.

Eat more greens and raw foods. Get rid of sugar, artificial sweeteners, all flour and grain products, dairy products and hydrogenated fats. Then do one to three, 5-minute workouts combined with the right breathing exercises daily and watch the weight fly off of you!

Note: You are more likely to contract Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and virtually every other disease if you are Overweight. And here is something you probably didn’t know: Overweight and obesity are linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight.

Whenever possible, all of the ShopFreeMart products should be consumed on a fairly regular basis as we have targeted the most common nutrients found to be lacking in the standard American diet. These nutrients play a major role in metabolism, helping the body get rid of excess fat and preventing obesity. 

ShopFreeMart Sugar-D may help to curb appetite and PureCopper is an important nutrient for the thyroid to increase metabolism, which translates to fat burn. ShopFreeMart Immunize provides minerals that may prevent craving and will increase assimilation of all other foods and supplements.

Obesity is preventable!

Do a soft massage under the arms, in the creases of the elbows and the creases of the knees. Thirty seconds daily causes some people to lose a pound a week.

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Water Purification

Silver can kill bacteria and disease causing organisms in contaminated water. By adding four drops of ShopFreeMart PureSilver liquid into an eight-ounce glass of water, and letting it stand for about two minutes, it will purify even raw river water. Add 1-2 ounces of PureSilver to a 55-gallon drum of water to keep your water storage purified for years.

Although silver will make water potable and safe to drink, it does not remove chlorine, fluoride and other contaminants. Where possible, use a distiller to remove all of the contminants or at least a water purifier to remove a majority of herbicides, pesticides and poisons which are added by your municiple water company.

Distilled water has a negative electrical charge, which binds with poisons and toxin, all of which have a positive (poison) electrical charge. Distilled water is the best water to use as a base for mixing with FreeMart Hydration Drops in order to hydrate the cells and remove toxins that are making your cells acidic.

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Water Cure

Re-hydrating with the Water Cure

Dr. Batmanhelidj in his book The Body’s Many Cries For Water tells how we can using nothing more than pure water and natural salt to overcome chronic dehydration, pain and disease in the body.

Many people today exist almost entirely upon water that has been carbonated, caffeinated, and or artificially sweetened. None of these drinks hydrate the body, lead to dehydration and disease.

Any attempt to cure any ailment or disease should include eliminating any drinks other than pure water.

Here is a synopsis of the protocol recommended by Dr. Batmanhelidj.

How it Works

The water cure involves re-hydrating each and every cell in your body. We have two oceans of water within our body. One around our cells and one within our cells. When we drink water, our body easily sends water to the ocean around our cells.

To get the water into the cells, it is necessary to consume something that will cause the water to be attracted into or pulled into the cell. You no doubt have heard the term osmosis.

The American Heritage Dictionary definition of osmosis as:

“A process where molecules of a solvent pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one until there is an equalization on both side of the membrane.”

When we take unprocessed sea salt directly into our mouth to be absorbed into the mucous membranes of our mouth rather than through the stomach, the salt quickly goes into our bloodstream.

From there it is delivered to each cell of the body. When the sodium in the water outside the cell is more concentrated than the water inside the cell, the water inside is attracted out and the water outside is attracted in.

This is how you can rehydrate each and every cell and begin the healing process.

The water inside the cells acts much like fresh water lakes inland from the oceans. In our cells there is a greater amount of potassium and outside a greater amount of sodium. Potassium is therefore also essential.

Note: If you eat a number of raw vegetables, nuts and beans rather than processed foods, you are probably getting enough potassium. Potassium supplements should only be taken under a doctors supervision and if you have kidney disease, you should consult a naturopathic physician before starting the water cure protocol.

The popular theory of how water cures is that all disease is the side effect of dehydration. Therefore, if we properly hydrate our bodies, we can eliminate many diseases and relieve the symptoms of many conditions.

Please note that simply drinking water is not alone a cure all. We still need to consume the proper nutrients to have optimal health. We also need to avoid as much toxic exposure as we can. Likewise, we need to avoid exposure to and comsumption of poisons and heavy metals.

The water we consume along with the unprocessed sea salt allows for and helps our body to eliminate the toxins, heavy metals and poisons that enter our body.

The Five Most Important Things to Do

To reduce medication errors, the health care team uses the “five rights” of medicine administration. These same rights apply to using water for optimal health. They are: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time.

Right Patient

If you have kidney disease, any kind of salt metabolism problem or any serious disease seek the advise of a homeopathic or medical doctor.

Right Drug

It is critical that the right water and the right kind of salt is used. The water needs to be chlorine free, preferably natural pure water. Note that even filtered water, if it was once chlorinated, has a signature or cellular memory of the chlorine. Optimal water is naturally pure water from a well or spring and stored in glass, not plastic.

The right salt is also essential. The best salt needs to be unprocessed sea salt or unprocessed mined salt. The three kinds of salt that work best are Celtic Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan sea salt and Real Salt.

The pink salt vibrates at the same atomic resonance as human cells. In my personal experience, the Celtic Sea Salt works better for internal use and the pink salt works better for salt baths. In any event try to use one of the three.

Right Dose

Daily drink an amount of water that equals half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 200 pounds, you would drink 100 ounces of water daily. Divide up the total number of ounces you need to drink by 5 or 6 times that you will be drinking water to determine the individual servings size.

If you are in extremely hot, dry conditions, your need will increase. If you are perspiring, exercising, working hard, or experiencing excessive mouth breathing, you will also need to increase your water intake.

Right Route

AS recommended from the research of Dr. Batmanghelidj, for every 16 ounces of water, take 1/8th teaspoon of unprocessed sea salt, dissolved in the mouth.

Before drinking two 8 ounce glasses of water, dissolve 1/8th teaspoon of sea salt in your mouth.

This is the part that some people seem to resist the most. When the water cure does not work, it is often because of dissolving the salt in the water and not in the mouth. This is essential, the salt needs to be dissolved in the mouth. Only in your mouth will it be able to be quickly absorbed into your blood and attract the water into your cells.

Right Time

First thing when your feet hit the floor in the morning drink at least 2 glasses of water. If you are overweight, this would be a good time to drink as many as 4 glasses of water. Drink your appropriate amount of water within 20 min of awaking in the morning.

For best results, wait 20-45 minutes before eating

Drink water 20-45 min before each meal

Drink water 2 hours after each meal

Drink water every time you feel hungry

Drink water before bed time

This is the Water Cure Protocol in the simplest explanation.

Click Here to meet Dr. Batmanhelidj and hear some water cure testimonials.

Dehydration accentuates the appearance of aging. Perhaps the best word picture to describe this occurance is the difference between a fresh, plump grape and a raisin. The grape is hydrated; the raisin is dehydrated.

Some people have said that friends and family are saying they look ten years younger after only 28 days of drinking 3 liters of water daily.

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